The Gadfly: Getting It All Wrong

Mike McCarville

The first paragraph in the Politico story reads: Mayors in cities with high gun violence rates are ready to lead a push for stricter gun laws, frustrated by years of inaction at the state and national level.

Here’s how it should read: Mayors in cities with high gun violence rates are ready to lead a push for the eradication of urban gangs, frustrated by years of their inaction and their inability to control criminals.

Hysteria runs rampant amongst the gun-grabbers. The worst of them want government confiscation of all firearms. Others argue for a ban on semi-automatic firerarms. Most of their arguments are irrational, based on half-facts or outright fiction they’ve invented to bolster their case.

It is true that the recent mass shootings have been the work of demented individuals; but it also is true that every time the mayors and others cry out for gun control, they cite homicide statistics fueled by drive-by gang shootings in large cities.

The cultural divide this controversy has generated is profound. The divide is as evident as the blue states versus the red states in last year’s presidential election.

The hypocrisy evidenced by a president who is opposed to armed guards in schools yet who sends his own children to a school with armed guards has made him a sneer on the faces of those of an unlike mind.

Barack Obama was elected president four years ago saying he wanted to unite the nation.

He has done the opposite; the nation is divided as never before.


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  1. Ol Feller, 19 January, 2013

    Excellent article Mike. I hope you sent copies to all of our elected officials in D.C. as they need to be reminded from time to time.

  2. Donella, 19 January, 2013

    It seems to me, the first to get blamed is the instrument, not the person behind it. America better be very careful about jumping to remove the freedom of weapons to law biding Americans, The criminals will always be able to find the weapons and they are not members of the NRA.

    Since God was taken out of our schools we have had more violence come into the schools, now how’s that working for us…

    We need to get down on our knees and pray to God for America, right now we are a joke to other countries.


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