School Security Panel Issues Policy Recommendations


The Oklahoma Commission on School Security on Tuesday announced policy recommendations after a comprehensive analysis of Oklahoma school security issues.  The policy recommendations were formally released in the 2013 Report of the Oklahoma Commission on School Security.

Commission was formed after the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut last December.

President Pro Tempore Brian Bingman and Speaker of the House T.W. Shannon asked Lt. Governor Todd Lamb to chair the statewide commission.  Lt. Governor Lamb is a former United States Secret Service Agent and as a State Senator was the principal author of the 2008 Oklahoma School Security Act.  Commission agendas included speaker testimony and discussion on the various factors related to school security including but not limited to public safety, mental health, training, engineering and local control.

“The members of this commission sacrificed their time and provided their expertise to this very important issue,” said Lt. Governor Lamb.  “As parents we want all children to do well academically, but our first priority is for our children, our students to be safe and secure during their school day.  No policy can prevent evil from occurring, but our hope is that these recommendations will mitigate and lessen the potential of future large scale school violence.”

The Oklahoma Commission on School Security was given a March deadline in order for recommendations to be placed in bills this legislative session.

After hearing expert testimony and completing their study, the Oklahoma Commission on School Security submitted the following legislative recommendations:

1)      Formation of the Oklahoma School Security Institute (OSSI)

2)      Establish a Mental Health First Aid Training Pilot Program

3)      Amend and change state law to consolidate and require safety drills

4)      Require the reporting of firearms found on school property to local law enforcement

5)      Establish a school security tip line

The 22 members of the Oklahoma Commission on School Security represented various backgrounds including homeland security, local police, local school personnel, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and mental health.

The 2013 Report of the Oklahoma Commission on School Security can be viewed in its entirety online at

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  1. C E Daniels, 06 March, 2013

    Sigh. I feel sorry for Todd Lamb, having to report such puny solutions. I suppose when you have so many educators on the committee that’s the best you could come up with. At least the tip line will be helpful. Most of the rest is fluff.

  2. Mark, 06 August, 2013

    (…formation of Oklahoma School Security Institute) Oh yes… let’s create another government agency to spew out more bureaucracy at the cost of the taxpayers.


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