Americas PAC Places Russell Radio Buy


Americas PAC just completed a $50,000 radio ad buy in Oklahoma City to support Steve Russell, a candidate for the Republican nomination in Oklahoma Congressional District 5.

“In these times of international uncertainty, we need Lt. Colonel Steve Russell’s proven leadership in Congress,” said Americas PAC Chairman Tom Donelson.

In surveying the national field of GOP primary candidates in open US Representative seats, Steve Russell stood out from the rest, Donelson said,.

“Members of Americas PAC were impressed with Steve Russell’s solid, conservative voting record as a State Senator, his stellar performance as a military officer in combat, international strategic expertise and experience as the owner of a rifle manufacturing business.

“Steve Russell will have an immediate and long-term impact in Washington,” Donelson said. “Russell’s track record of leadership being a leader in the hunt for Saddam Hussein, advocacy for Veterans, standing up for the Constitution in the legislature and building a business, make him a high-priority candidate.”

Americas PAC makes decisions to enter a race based on the quality and clear principles of the candidate and thus has committed to supporting Russell early, Donelson said.

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  1. RightThinker, 18 April, 2014

    A wise investment and interesting that this is not a veteran’s interest Pac. Shows Russell has appeal to multiple groups. Glad to see Russell’s message being spread – he is the clear choice in this election for voters who want to see someone who will stand shoulder to shoulder with Congressman Bridenstine in DC.

  2. Vernon Woods, 19 April, 2014

    Sounds like a good reason to NOT vote for Russell – a few people run everyone of the PACs and they should NOT run this country – educate yourselves and make your decisions based on facts, not what a few monied want you to think.


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