School Supers Race Gets More Intense

The intense campaign for schools superintendent got more intense today:

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  1. Steve Dickson, 18 June, 2014

    I will never, ever vote for Janet Barresi. She had an argument that she was pushing higher standards. I think she went about it the wrong way, and that Common Core was the wrong set of standards, but I get it.

    She and those involved in her campaign should be shunned in GOP circles. Horrible campaign of character assassination and lies – shame on them.

  2. Edmond Voter, 18 June, 2014

    I’m so sick of Janet Barresi and the mud slinging! She has been a disaster from her very first day in office and has spiraled further into disaster and the dark side. She is a disgrace to the office! Now these nasty, horrible, disgusting ads and mail pieces are more than I can stand! But that’s not low enough so she makes these types of accusations and is grasping for any straw to try and gain ground. As the old saying goes, the more mud they sling, the more ground they lose. It’s time for her to go home.

  3. Castor, 19 June, 2014

    Anytime you get the superintendents of Jenks, Union and Tulsa against you, it’s a sign you’re doing something right.

    And Ms. Hoffmeister egged on those districts that sued the parents of the disabled kids when they tried to flee to better schools.


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