About Those Comments…

acommntComments to our stories in this election cycle have reached high levels. And with higher levels of comments, come problems, so I’ve revised our Rules For Comments as follows:

1 – Any comment with an obscenity or off-color reference will be trashed. No change.

2 – Any comment with an unfounded allegation or outrageous aspersion (my judgment) against any person will be trashed. No change. Personal attacks and ridicule are frowned upon; good taste rules.

3 – Any comment about the minor children of candidates or anyone else will be trashed. Adult children are fair game. No change.

4 – Comments about other comments are held to the same standards as above; no exceptions. No change.

5 – CHANGE: Anonymous comments are no longer allowed. I’ve allowed them in the past. 99 percent of the trashed comments in the past 90 days have come from those writing under the cloak of anonymity. It seems to be that those who cast wild aspersions or befoul the language hide behind pseudonyms and write things they’d never write if we knew who they were.

There are those who will disagree with my rules. So be it. Start your own site and set your own rules. – Mike McCarville

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  1. Steve Dickson, 27 June, 2014

    I really like number 5, Mike.

  2. Ron, 27 June, 2014


  3. Jamison Faught, 28 June, 2014

    “There are those who will disagree with my rules. So be it. Start your own site and set your own rules.” I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve had to tell people that same thing!

  4. mikes1voice, 28 June, 2014

    LOL, Jamison. It’s amazing how many people think it is their right to write anything they wish and we are duty-bound to publish it. Not!

  5. Kevin Posey, 28 June, 2014

    What?! You mean I can’t write anything I want and blame someone else for posting it on their site? Taking responsibility for my own words and actions? Is that even Constitutional? jk

  6. David Arnett, 30 June, 2014

    Honor in media has never been more important. Thanks Mike. We hold the same disdain of “Anonymous” posting.
    If people want to write compelling commentary or thoughtful analysis and put their name to the work, I would welcome and publish even if it disagrees with other published positions. In that, I believe the public dialogue is advanced. From my regular reading of the McCarville Report, you do the same. Regardless, you put your name on your site and it is yours to publish or not what you decide based on your editorial judgement which is as it should be. The First Amendment only applies to the publisher: a fact many publishers try to distance themselves from in the mainstream media.

  7. Tom Payne, 21 July, 2014

    Great idea Mike. Thanks!


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