Fallin Tweaks Obama On Juvenile Illegals

In a letter to President Obama, Governor Fallin today called on the president to end the “secrecy” surrounding the use of military facilities around the country to hold illegal immigrant minors. One of those facilities, Fort Sill, is located in Oklahoma.

Fallin called on Obama to formally confirm and explain reports that run contrary to the messages his administration has sent to the public. In her letter, Fallin wrote that:

  • Vastly more than 1200 illegal immigrants have been held at Fort Sill, despite reports designed to indicate otherwise.
  • The majority of the children held at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, will never be deported and will remain in the United States.
  • At least 212 illegal immigrant children have already been placed with sponsors in Oklahoma where they are eligible under federal law to attend public school and receive emergency health services.
  • The federal government does not plan to close the Fort Sill facility, contrary to the administration’s initial promises.

Fallin wrote, “Provided these reports are true – and I have no reason to believe they are not – your administration appears to be pursuing a course that actively shifts the costs of Washington’s failed immigration policies onto our states. You are intentionally placing a greater burden on our already over-burdened education and health care systems. Even more disturbing, the federal government appears to have gone to great lengths to distract and confuse the public from discerning the true nature of these policies.”

Her letter ends by calling upon President Obama to deliver “an explanation for my constituents as to why the policy of your administration is to ask the state of Oklahoma to indefinitely host a large population of illegal immigrants and to pay for their educational and health needs after they are released from Fort Sill.”

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  1. Mark Irwin, 28 July, 2014

    Well, sending a letter is better than asking the residents(weren’t we citizens at one point?)of Oklahoma to sign a petition –I guess. Have the phones quit working? Perhaps the President doesn’t accept calls from a mere administrator of one of the provinces. I’m certain this is not how Patrick Henry reacted to the march on Lexington and Concord and that event didn’t even happen in his state.

    I am sure Governor Fallin has many redeamiing qualities. I am also sure that she is a quite capable leader, however, it should be clear that her skill set is inadequate to lead Oklahoma through the death throws of our once grand republic. To be honest, we probably have never had such a Governor. Get to know your neighbors.


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