Muslim Group Wants Apology; Bennett Says They’ll Not Get It

Rep. John Bennett’s Facebook post about Muslims has drawn a demand for an apology; Bennett says it’s not going to happen:

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  1. Bob Dani, 04 September, 2014

    How about C.A.I.R. apologizing to America for being charged as a co-conspirator’s in the Holy Land criminal terrorist trial in Dallas, Texas?

  2. Tom, 05 September, 2014

    You are absolutely right! And kudos to John Bennett for speaking up! Too many of our politicians are afraid to utter anything like the truth about the Islamic radicals in our midst! CAIR is a propaganda organ of the terrorists. We should deal with them like any other terrorist front.

  3. Steve Dickson, 08 September, 2014

    I think an explanation is in order regarding the involvement of the US government creating ISIS – you know, when we armed them to fight Assad, before we decided to help Assad defeat them.

    You know, the guys John McCain had photo ops with.

    There are certainly terrorists in the world – but there are a lot bigger dangers to liberty right here in our country, and right here in our state.

    It is also very easy to pull verses out of the Bible and make it sound like Christians and Jews are homicidal maniacs – but that is taking things out of context.

    I don’t know anything about CAIR, or anyone in it, but I think condemning the whole religion on the basis of the radicals within it (and we as Christians have our own radicals, like Westboro Baptist, or Obama’s church in Chicago, which both claim the title “Christian”) is a big mistake.

    When the missing pages of the 9/11 report are released I think we will know who the REAL co-conspirators are, and I think a few “allies” will be at the top of that list (like Saudi Arabia, for starters). Here is a link:


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