Dank Plans ‘Dark Money’ Groups Ban


Rep. David Dank says he will introduce legislation next year to ban “dark money” groups.

“I will introduce legislation in 2015 to amend Oklahoma’s ethics laws to require that all organizations and committees spending money in state and local political races abide by the same donor and expenditure reporting rules as political action committees and individual candidates. (Federal elections are governed by the Federal Election Commission, which is beyond the scope of state law.) That’s the only way to turn on the light and protect the voters of our state and the integrity of our electoral process,” Dank wrote in an Op-Ed column in today’s The Sunday Oklahoman.

Read his thoughts here: http://newsok.com/oklahoma-state-rep-time-to-shine-the-light-on-dark-money-efforts/article/5373262

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  1. Vernon Woods, 07 December, 2014

    Mr. Dank, we Oklahomans desperately need more leaders such as yourself and Jason Murphey to heal the effects of certain actions and policies which do harm to our political processes and unfairly benefit a selective few who bend the rules as they choose. Good luck with this action to keep the cock roaches out in the light of day.

  2. Allen, 07 December, 2014

    Thank you Representative Dank for standing up and doing what voters on both sides want and what we need.

  3. Steve Dickson, 07 December, 2014

    Very glad to see this – I echo Mr. Woods comments. Be careful of the lawyers, they will be looking for any loopholes to slip through.

    I am absolutely opposed to limiting what people can spend (violates the 1st Amendment). I am also opposed to secrecy in funding of political actions.


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