Pruitt Anti-Fraud Unit Prevents $16.8 Million In Fraudulent SS Payments


Attorney General’s Office

Attorney General Scott Pruitt announced the Workers’ Compensation, Social Security and Insurance Fraud Unit of the AG’s prevented more than $16.8 million in fraudulent federal social security benefits payments during the 2014 federal fiscal year.

The unit conducted 223 investigations this year. Out of those, 126 cases resulted in Social Security fraud charges saving more than $10 million in Social Security funds from being wrongfully disbursed along with more than $6 million in other federal assistance.

“Keeping a careful watch over taxpayer dollars is important for many reasons. First, it ensures taxpayer dollars are not wasted and are available for use on other core functions of government like public safety, education and transportation. Equally as important, though, is that preventing fraudulent benefits payments ensure resources are there to help those with legitimate claims,” Attorney General Scott Pruitt said. “Our office will continue to aggressively investigate and hold accountable those who would seek to defraud the Social Security program for their personal gain.

The Workers’ Compensation, Social Security and Insurance Fraud Unit is led by Assistant Attorney General George Burnett and investigates and prosecutes fraud on the part of claimants, doctors, attorneys and insurance companies. The unit also provides education and training about workers’ compensation fraud. To report workers’ compensation, social security or insurance fraud contact the Attorney General’s Office at (405) 521-3921 or visit the AG’s website at

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  1. Vernon Woods, 18 December, 2014

    I wonder if this will be reported in the NY Times.


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