Editorial: No Good Reason To Oppose Education Savings Accounts

Education is a hot topic and education savings accounts are a key part of the discussion. The Oklahoman editorializes in favor: http://m.newsok.com/no-good-reason-to-oppose-education-savings-accounts-in-oklahoma/article/5393311

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  1. castor, 16 February, 2015

    The issue here is freedom. Under our current system, the well-off have the freedom to choose the schools their kids attend, but the poor don’t. Let’s give everyone the freedom to choose for their kids. ESAs will help level the playing field, continuing the effort that the Scholarship Granting Organizations and the Lindsay Nicole Henry scholarships began.

  2. Vernon Woods, 16 February, 2015

    While no details were provided about how the ESAs work, the editorial pro-and-con arguments appear to be lame and shallow. We need more details.

  3. Jason, 16 February, 2015

    OCPA, the Goldwater Institute and the Heritage Foundation have all written extensively on ESAs…that would be a good starting point…I’m pretty sure Nelson’s bill mirrors those proposals


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