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The McCarville Report will soon add a familiar and trusted voice: Reid Mullins, veteran radio talk show host, begins a series of Reid Mullins Reports in which he’ll interview newsmakers.

With more than a decade of on-air interview experience (hundreds of interviews), and an intense interest in Oklahoma politics and government, Reid is an ideal fit.

Andrew W. Griffin of Red Dirt Report is among admirers. He has written this about Reid:

“A moderate, pleasant voice in an increasingly-shrill political talk environment, talk-jock Mullins is a class act and radio veteran of nearly three decades. He’s a local guy who loves this area and was unfairly and unceremoniously booted last year by the increasingly awful management at KTOK and Clear Channel.

“Mullins had this reporter on several political segments on his KTOK program and for that we were always grateful. Our most fond memory was calling into Mullins’s show from the snowy environs of Lawrence, Massachusetts. This was when your humble correspondent was up there in 2010, covering the Senate race between Martha Coakley and Scott Brown, following the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy.

“In a piece (link is external) at The McCarville Report, it notes that Mullins plans to feature political figures on a local, state and national level as well as experts in everything from energy to health care.”

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