Presidential Primary Bill Defeated

politicsA controversial bill that would have moved Oklahoma’s presidential primary from the firstĀ  Tuesday in March to the fourth Tuesday in March was defeated today in the House Elections and Ethics Committeee on a 5-2 vote.

Senate Bill 233 became an issue in the race for Republican Party chairman. Incumbent Dave Weston favored it, while opponents Randy Brogdon and Pam Pollard opposed it.

For the bill were Reps. Gary Banz (R) and Fred Joyner (R).

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  1. Ronda Vuillemont-Smith, 02 April, 2015

    A HUGE “Thank You” to all of the grassroots activists from across the state that worked together to defeat this bill. When we work together on those things we agree on, we can accomplish great things. I look forward to many more grassroots victories as we continue to educate our friends and family about the issues that are important to us, empowering them to speak out.

    Hat tip to Rep. Donnie Condit (D), who was planning on supporting SB233 until he received 4 calls from Republican constituents asking for a “NO” vote. Well done Representative Condit, well done.

    Those representatives that helped us defeat SB233 need to be thanked as well…
    Rep. Paul Wesselhoft, Chair 405-557-7343
    Rep. Donnie Condit, Vice Chair 405-557-7376
    Rep. David Dank 405-557-7392
    Rep. David Perryman 405-557-7401
    Rep. Michael Rogers 405-557-7362


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