Russell: Time For The Fair Tax


Congressman Steve Russell released the following statement today on Tax Day, the national due date for federal income taxes:

“Every year the United States tax code gets longer and more complicated.  This past year saw the addition of over 3,000 pages of legal guidance added to on the tax ramifications of Obamacare alone.  Also, with the IRS complaining they are too underfunded to properly pursue the billions of dollars in owed back taxes, it is beyond time to redo our entire tax system.

“I stand with many in Congress in support of the Fair Tax, a national tax on consumption to replace the income tax, which would help broaden the tax base and simplify the tax process for all citizens.  We cannot continue failed policies just because they have become entrenched in our society.  Let us develop a strategy that will work for Americans, strengthen our economy and help pay down our growing national debt.”

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