Russell Votes To Transfer Surplus Firearms To Civilian Marksmanship Program

GOP Freshmen

In an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) offered by Congressman Mike Rogers (AL-R), the House Armed Services Committee adopted the authorization to transfer surplus firearms to the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety, also known as the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).

Congressman Steve Russell was among the majority who voted for this amendment and released the following statement:

“I was glad to join in voting for the transfer of surplus firearms to the Civilian Marksmanship Program.  Not only is this is an organization that is committed to training civilians in the proper, responsible, and safe use of firearms, but at a cost of roughly $2.00 per pistol per year to store these weapons, we were spending $200,000 a year in perpetuity.  This sensible change will save the taxpayers millions over the years to come, as well as aid a great organization that serves the public.”

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  1. Kevin, 30 April, 2015

    I like this idea!

  2. Capt Hugh Smith, 05 May, 2015

    He give you a few “requested”, already tax paid for weapons and your going to thank him? He will extend the NDAA when he should be shutting it down. He is pretty much what I thought he would be. Climber using the backs of citizens and troops. Warning: watch his voting record.. He is a globalist.


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