Video: Lankford Discusses King v. Burwell Court Ruling

Senator James Lankford discusses the King v. Burwell Supreme Court ruling on Fox News.

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  1. Dick Grace, 28 June, 2015

    The good senator has failed to accomplish that which he espoused from his campaign. Congress has failed to do their job for generations representing the people. Defund Obamacare cowards! Under Article III of the Constitution “In all the other cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. For openers a simple exception “the supreme court shall have no power to interpret or comment on the first ten amendment of the Constitution. Congress as a class is gutless and clueless and staffed by cowards and charlatans most of which have never had a real job and are unable to accomplish any good for their constituents. And oh the Christian and Conservative dialogue tossed around at their town hall meetings is window dressing not to be believed.


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