Pam Pollard Hits ‘Slanderous attacks’


Pam Pollard writes on Facebook that a second direct mail piece attacking Republican Party Vice Chairman Estela Hernandez has hit mailboxes of those who will vote in Sunday’s GOP election to replace former Chairman Randy Brogdon.

Pollard and Robert Hubbard seek the post with Hernandez. Both have decried the smear tactics.

Pollard wrote:


Another mailer has hit mailboxes today against our current Interim Chairman. I worked with people last night who tried to trace the first mailer and even though it has an identifier # the post office does not have it on record.

No matter who wins Chairman this Sunday we must all unite behind not allowing these smear tactics from outside groups to affect our elections.

I am absolutely convinced this is not coming from any candidate for State Chair and take other activists at their word that they have nothing to do with this, so that leaves an outside group trying to divide our party.

DON’T allow yourself to be influenced by these mailers. The only way we can stop this is to prove it DOES NOT WORK!

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  1. Troy Fullerton, 09 October, 2015

    Let the record reflect that Pam Pollard is taking this stand publicly against a mailing that attacked her OPPONENT. That’s a show of integrity one seldom (if ever) sees in political races. I got one of the piece-of-trash mailings as well, insinuating that Mrs. Hernandez supports illegal immigration (or words to that effect). There was no name on it, no return address, no organization taking responsibility–and practically no way for Mrs. Hernandez to respond to the charges so soon before the chairmanship election. This is a blatant attempt to besmirch someone’s character through anonymous libel.

    If someone has something to say regarding the stance espoused by someone running for office, the correct thing to do is raise the concern in an open manner and give the other side room to state his or her case. Anonymous stealth “sniper attacks” right before an election are cowardly, dishonest, and beneath the dignity of the Oklahoma Republican party.


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