State Ranks Well, Rating Agency Reports

Oklahoma ranked No. 2 in property taxes and No. 10 in state and local taxes in recent rankings from CQ Press.

CQ Press’ 2016 State Rankings book compares states across key measures in education, health, crime, transportation, taxes, government finance and more.

“When making business decisions, companies often look at rankings like these to determine options for relocation and expansion opportunities,” said Governor Fallin. “Understandably, tax rates play a critical role in these decisions.

“It is important that as we pass legislation and create policies, we remember the potential impact they could have on our state’s economic growth.”

Published annually, State Rankings features comprehensive state statistics in 15 livability categories: agriculture, crime and law enforcement, defense, economy, education, employment and labor, energy and environment, geography, federal government finances, state and local government finances, health, households and housing, population, social welfare and transportation.

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