Mullin Responds To FEC Complaint Filing

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  1. Alex Hamilton, 28 March, 2012

    I read the article that was posted. I am always leary of the press, so I looked into the matter personally. I went to and I was shocked to see that Mr. Mullin HAS BEEN notified by the FEC on some of the issues listed in the story…like the questionable loans. On March 9th, Mr. Mullins treasurer, Debbie Dooley was sent a letter by the FEC questioning the loans to the campaign. Additionally, the article calls into question some of the contributions? I looked at the files on the website. Mr. Mullins has taken in checks for over $10,000!! And taken checks from Corporations!!! Both of these issues are illegal! Mr. Mullin…you said that you were not aware of any FEC complaint against you…and that was incorrect…now that I have looked into the FEC files, you have not been honest there either. Mr. Mullin I can not trust you. Mr. Mullin you are complaining of politics as usual. Your half truths are the example of POLITICS AS USUAL. Mr. Mullin you are not trustworthy…you are not honest…not only have you lost a possible customer…you have lost my vote and support. Shame, sir.

  2. Don Key, 28 March, 2012

    What kind of idiot signs a letter to the media with their initials?! I believe the name of the game at this point is NAME RECOGNITION, not initial recognition.

    Can you say arrogant republican? Just look who is running his campaign!

  3. Jonathan Scott, 28 March, 2012

    What a strange statement. Prickly, bizarrely conspiratorial, and then signed with initials? Totally amateur. And it’s not like the accusations have no basis in fact. They have a great deal of money, and much of that is due to the candidate himself, but there are serious problems here. Someone within this campaign lacked the moral courage to tell him he had to hire a treasurer who possesses a basic understanding of campaign law, and then lacked the fortitude to veto this absurd response to a crisis situation that could make all the difference in his campaign. This is just bad.


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