McCall Names Members of New House Expenditure Oversight Committee

House Speaker Charles McCall has named the members who will sit on the House Expenditure Oversight Committee. It is the bipartisan ad hoc committee created on the suggestion of the House Special Investigation Committee looking into a wrongful termination settlement related to a sexual harassment complaint.

The Expenditure Oversight Committee has the power to review and authorize all future legal settlements, large capital and/or extraordinary expenditures that exceed $15,000. The committee will meet as needed.

The members of the committee are as follows:

Rep. Todd Thomsen, Chair

Rep. Eric Proctor, Vice Chair

Rep. Scott Biggs

Rep. Terry O’Donnell

Rep. Mike Sanders

Rep. Mark McBride

Rep. Rhonda Baker

Rep. Earl Sears

Rep. Jason Murphey

Rep. Dustin Roberts

Rep. Meloyde Blancett

Rep. Donnie Condit

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