Stanislawski Proposes Fuel Tax for Teacher Raises

Senator Gary Stanislawski would like to see an increase in fuel taxes to help pay for teacher pay raises. The Oklahoman’s Dale Denwalt writes Stanislawski’s idea would bring in around $178 million a year. Both the House and Senate are working on teacher pay raise proposals, but a source of funding has yet to be identified.

Read The Oklahoman story here.

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  1. Vernon Woods, 23 March, 2017

    The State currently diverts fuel tax revenues from the intended use for roads and bridges. What makes us think the State would not also misuse fuel tax revenues intended for education?

  2. Tom, 23 March, 2017

    I’d really like to see this RINO, just go ahead and switch to the party that most represents his values, the Democrats!
    Thank you Gary373H

  3. cal hobson, 25 March, 2017

    Fear not Vernon and Tom. Senator Stanislawski is just joking about a fuel tax increase since all tax increases must originate in the House of Representatives not the Senate.

    All that is going on here is a shell game so Senator S. can tell his teachers he tried to get them a pay raise when of course he didn’t. He is not a RINO as Tom calls him. He is a LINO – Legislator In Name Only which means he draws his pay check, talks a lot, accomplishes nothing and is damn proud of it.

    Tulsa voters concur. He was just reelected.

    Cal Hobson


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