Early Returns: No Tea Party Mandate

Early returns in some key legislative races indicate there’s no mandate for the controversial Sooner Tea Party’s candidates.

In fact, very few of the STP’s candidates, based on the early returns, are even in competitive races with the GOP incumbents they are challenging.

In Tulsa, Senator Mike Mazzei, opposed by Ronda Viuillemont-Smith, has an early 80-20 percent lead.

Also in Tulsa, Dan Newberry has a 77-23 lead over challenger March Croucher.

Senator Brian Crain in Tulsa, however is slightly behind challenger Kevin McDugle at 49-51.

In Broken Arrow, Tim Wright leads the Sooner Tea Party’s Nathan Dahm 40-31.

In Oklahoma City, Sally Kern leads her challenger.

In Midwest City, Gary Banz has a huge early lead.

And in Edmond, perhaps the marque race of the day, Senator Clark Jolley has a 60-40 early lead over challenger Paul Blair.

The returns reported here are but a small pecentage of what the totals will be and thus, a lot could change.

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  1. EdmondVoter, 26 June, 2012

    Why do you keep saying Al Gerhart is the leader of the Tea Party? Most, if not all, of us who are Taxed Enough Already and sick of the direction of our nation and state do NOT follow Al Gerhart. In fact, we run the other way when his name is mentioned.

    Oh, maybe that is the point of YOU and other media mouth pieces…. say his name enough and send the voters running the other way. Gee… give it up already! Al is poison, and you’ve now proven your point.

  2. mikes1voice, 27 June, 2012

    Al Gerhart distributes the Sooner Tea Party’s e-letter, prints and distributes “newspapers” and speaks for the STP. He’ll be the leader until you folks put “former” in front of that title.

  3. CinBin, 27 June, 2012

    Amen Mike!


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