Stossel: Why I Fear The Supreme Court Ruling

John Stossel

I’m scared.

I fear that even if the Supreme Court overrules most of ObamaCare,  Republicans will join Democrats in restoring “good” parts of the law, like the  requirement that insurance companies cover kids up to age 26 and every American  with a pre-existing condition.

Those parts of ObamaCare are popular. People  like getting  what they think is free stuff. But requiring coverage to age 26 makes policies  cost more.

Even “Factor” host Bill O’Reilly lectures me that government should ban  discrimination against those with pre-existing conditions. Most Americans agree  with him.

Who likes discrimination?

Racial discrimination was one of the ugliest parts of American history. None  of us wants to be discriminated against. But discrimination is part of freedom.  We discriminate when we choose our friends or our spouse, or when we choose what  we do with our time.

Above all, discrimination is what makes insurance work. An insurance regime  where everyone pays the same amount is called “community rating.” That sounds  fair. No more cruel discrimination against the obese or people with cancer. But  community rating is as destructive as ordering flood insurance companies to  charge me nothing extra to insure my very vulnerable beach house, or ordering  car insurance companies to charge Lindsay Lohan no more than they charge you.  Such one-size-fits-all rules take away insurance companies’ best tool:  risk-based pricing. Risk-based pricing encourages us to take better care of  ourselves.

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