In Harden’s Move To Houston, A Lesson For Oklahoma’s Political Leaders

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  1. gar, 30 November, 2012

    Are you kidding me? There is no tax lesson in Hardin moving to TX. He moved because he is set to receive $30 M more over 5 years than what he was making and he is set to be a starter and the “main man”. There are plenty of rich people, (some of the richest in the world) remaining here in OK. I want low rates, but cmon…I don’t think tax rates was high on Jame’s mind.

  2. LongRoadAhead, 05 December, 2012

    Another shining example of the recent work of OCPA. Total joke. Gar is absolutely correct. They are – once again – attempting to compare apples to oranges; they want to apply their worldview to every situation for every decision ever made. Don’t disagree with them, or you’ll get a nice editorial in state publications. If bureaucrats working in the bubble of an office building don’t understand the real world, then how do they do it stuck inside at 14th & Lincoln? Donors take note.


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