Coburn Seeks 2nd Amendment Protection For Vets

The Hill

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) threatened to filibuster the remainder of amendments to the defense bill until he gets a vote on his own amendment.

“I will object to any further unanimous consent agreements to protect the rights of those who protect this country,” Coburn said late Thursday night on the Senate floor.

Coburn’s amendment, 3254, would prohibit a mental illness diagnosis from stopping veterans from owning guns, unless they are deemed mentally ill by a judge.

“All we’re asking for the veterans of this country, that if their rights are taken away, that it be by a judge and adjudicated rather than a social worker at the [Department of Veterans Affairs],” Coburn said. “They ought to have it adjudicated, rather than mandated by someone unqualified to make that decision.”

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