The Oklahoman Again Torches Fallin Over Secret Emails

The Oklahoman

Less obfuscation: Gov. Mary Fallin preached openness when she took office two years ago. She ought to follow up on that by releasing emails regarding her decision not to accept a federal grant to create a health insurance exchange. Fallin has cited executive privilege, which is a federal exemption to open record laws and is not in state statute. She also has mentioned the amount of time it would take to cobble together the large volume of emails. And Fallin has mentioned the need for advisers and others to be able to do their jobs “without it becoming the headline of the paper the next day.” All of which only extends the length of time media and others will wonder this: What was said in those communications that was so concerning to the governor?

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  1. Julie, 03 January, 2013

    I am so tired of people who do not keep their commitments.


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