Veterans Job Assistance Bill Passes House Committee

Scott Inman

A bill that will assist veterans seeking employment after serving in the armed forces passed unanimously out of the House Government Modernization committee on Thursday.

“This is a jobs bill for veterans who have honorably served our country,” said Democratic Leader Scott Inman, co-author with Rep. Chuck Hoskin, D-Vinita, on House Bill 1985.

“Today our state is home to more than 329,000 veterans of all ages and backgrounds, and now that military operations in Iraq have ended, men and women who have served our state are returning to jobs in the civilian world. Often times, soldiers have difficulty explaining their training and skills in civilian speak, because the methodology of military training doesn’t always perfectly align with a university degree or trade school program. Our bill seeks to assist in this endeavor so they can utilize their military training to secure jobs in our state.”

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