Pinnell Gets Top GOP Post

By Alex Isenstadt

Newly-minted Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel has tapped Matt Pinnell to oversee her transition team at the committee.

Pinnell, a former Oklahoma GOP chair, served as the RNC’s state parties director during the 2016 campaign. He had initially been seen as a contender for the RNC chairmanship, a post that McDaniel, the niece of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, ultimately won.

McDaniel, who is replacing White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and formally assumed the chairmanship this week, announced the decision in an email to RNC members.

“As a gifted young leader with outstanding relationships among the members of the Committee, Matt is the ideal choice to ensure continuity in the RNC’s day-to-day operations while making the adjustments that accompany a change in leadership in any organization,” she wrote.

Also serving on the transition team will be David Bossie, a Republican national committeeman from Maryland who was a top Trump campaign aide.

Among the decisions McDaniel faces is whom to designate as RNC chief of staff, a position that top Priebus aide Katie Walsh is vacating to serve in the White House. Among the candidates for the job, according to multiple GOP sources, is Sara Armstrong, who helped to oversee planning for Trump’s inaugural festivities.

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