Walters Named Secretary of Education

Governor Kevin Stitt announced Thursday Ryan Walters will be the next state Secretary of Education. The cabinet seat was left open when Michael Rogers resigned in August. Rogers remains as the Secretary of State.

“Ryan Walters is a committed educator who has dedicated his life to moving the needle in educational outcomes for all Oklahoma students and to supporting his fellow teachers,” said Stitt. “His perspective as a public school teacher, and his leadership experience as the CEO of Every Kid Counts Oklahoma, will be invaluable as we continue to work toward Top Ten results in education.”

Walters got his start as a teacher in his hometown of McAlester where he taught history for eight years. Even as he took on the job of Every Kids Count Oklahoma CEO, he continued to spend time in the classroom teaching at Millwood High School and McAlester High School through the Oklahoma Supplemental Online Court Program.

“I am excited for the opportunity to serve on Governor Stitt’s cabinet as the Secretary of Education and I know my public school classroom experiences will help support Governor Stitt’s education policy initiatives,” said Walters. “Oklahoma students deserve what the governor has wanted from day one – for our state to be Top Ten in education. I am honored to serve the State of Oklahoma and the governor by working to improve public education for every student in our state.”

Walters will need to be confirmed by the Oklahoma Senate during the next legislative session.


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