Garvin Introduces Pair of Bills Addressing Teacher Shortage

Senator Jessica Garvin has introduced legislation to help fill the gaps in the classroom left by the teacher shortage. Senate Bill 1119 would remove the 270-hour limitation adjunct teachers may teach per semester. Senate Bill 1144 would allow for substitute teachers to work as many days as needed.

Garvin says while the state and school districts have been working to address the teacher shortage, further steps need to be taken.

“Increasing pay and other recent changes haven’t helped end the teacher shortage problem, so we need to look at what assets we already have available, like adjunct and substitute teachers, and how we can better utilize them,” Garvin said. “Given that many districts are still struggling to fill essential teaching positions, being able to rely on local professionals to share their expertise in the classroom as well as former teachers or individuals with degrees to substitute has been a lifesaver. My bills will ensure these professionals can work as many hours as they’re needed and willing to.”

Garvin points to figures from the Oklahoma State School Boards Association which show a growing number of adjunct teachers in the classroom. As further evidence of the teacher shortage, the Duncan Republican refers to the more than 3,600 emergency certifications approved by the State Board of Education.

The legislation will be up for consideration during the upcoming legislative session which begins on February 7, 2022.

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