Data Privacy Bill Wins House Approval

The House approved this week House Bill 1030, which creates the Oklahoma Computer Data Privacy Act. The legislation is authored by Representative Josh West who has tried to pass consumer protections for their personal data over the past couple of sessions.

The current bill passed in the House by a margin of 84 to eleven.

“Big tech is able to collect data on all of us down to the minutest detail,” West said. “They then turn around and profit off of the sale of that data, which is used to market us at best and socially engineer us at worst. This bill is simple. Tell the consumer up front what data you are collecting and what you will do with that data. Then let the consumer decide if they want to allow the sale of their personal and private information.”

While the House has supported West’s efforts in the past, his legislation has hit snags in the Senate. West says he has been working with various stakeholders in hopes to get a hearing in the Senate.

If passed, the law would apply to businesses with one of three features; an annual gross revenue of more than $15 million, sharing for commercial purposes the personal information of 50,000 or more consumers, and make a quarter or more of annual revenue from selling consumers’ personal information.

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