Bice: Standing Firm Against CCP Aggression

By Congresswoman Stephanie Bice

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has evolved as a viable threat to our nation through their deceptive and aggressive actions. House Republicans have taken decisive steps to counteract this growing threat and reaffirm our commitment to safeguarding American interests at home and abroad from our foreign adversaries. The CCP’s antagonistic strategies have only intensified since the Biden-Harris administration took office. Their foreign policy of appeasement has not only emboldened adversaries but aided in tightening their chokehold on our industries and organizations at home. In response to these increasing threats, my colleagues and I have passed significant legislation aimed at neutralizing CCP influence and protecting American innovation.

One of the pivotal bills passed in September is H.R. 1516, the DHS Restrictions on Confucius Institutes and Chinese Entities of Concern Act. This bill is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our educational institutions. By prohibiting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds from supporting universities that host Confucius Institutes or collaborate with Chinese entities of concern, we are taking a stand against the CCP’s insidious attempts to infiltrate and influence our educational system. American universities should be bastions of free thought and academic excellence, not platforms for foreign governments to advance their agendas. This bill ensures that our higher education institutions prioritize the education and well-being of their students over questionable partnerships with entities linked to the CCP.

We also passed H.R. 9456, the Protecting American Agriculture from Foreign Adversaries Act, which strengthens the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States’s (CFIUS) oversight of foreign investments in American agricultural land. This bill will ensure that foreign purchases of U.S. farmland, particularly by entities linked to adversaries like China, are thoroughly scrutinized. By integrating the Secretary of Agriculture into the CFIUS review process and making these provisions permanent, we are reinforcing our national security and protecting our vital agricultural resources. The legislation has my unwavering support and serves the same goal as similar legislation, the Stop CCP Land Act, that I authored. My bill prohibits states from receiving certain federal grants if they approve the purchase of land from foreign adversaries such as the CCP. Both serve the purpose of ceasing China’s increased acquisition of land.

In the realm of manufacturing and innovation, my colleagues and I voted to ensure that hardworking Americans’ tax dollars are not used to subsidize the CCP’s chokehold on the EV industry. The End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act, H.R. 7980, closes the pro-China loopholes created by the Biden-Harris Administration that allow for Chinese companies in the EV manufacturing field to receive taxpayer-funded subsidies. In the attempt to push electric vehicles onto American consumers President Biden and Vice President Harris artificially lowered costs for Chinese EV producers by subsidizing the company’s manufacturing, while simultaneously undermining American manufacturing and innovation. The legislation will protect American jobs and restore security in our manufacturing sector while countering China’s attempt to monopolize another market.

Lastly, H.R. 8333, the BIOSECURE Act addresses concerns about American dependence on biotech industries of significance that are controlled by the CCP. It is known that Chinese entities are mandated to share any and all, data to their government which is of grave concern in the biotech field – home to troves of genomic data. The BIOSECURE Act, which I cosponsor, is vital because it prevents taxpayer dollars from subsidizing biotech companies of foreign adversaries. It also is a necessary step in protecting the privacy rights of Americans and our national security interests. –

The pieces of legislation we have passed underscores our unwavering commitment to confront the compounding threats posed by the CCP. House Republicans are dedicated to protecting American values, innovation, and security, and we will continue to take bold actions to safeguard our nation against these formidable challenges. Together, we stand firm against CCP aggression and reaffirm our resolve to defend the American way of life.

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