Lankford Introduces Drug Smuggling Prevention Bill

U.S. Senator James Lankford has introduced the Boader Enforcement, Security, and Trade (BEST) Facilitation Act in an effort to increase screening efforts for drug smuggling at the borders. The bill would provide more personnel to scan cargo for illegal drugs, guns, or humans being smuggled into the country.

“Adding more personnel at ports of entry will immediately provide our country with another layer of security to prevent traffickers from smuggling weapons or drugs across the border. Border law enforcement has repeatedly asked for more support to analyze cargo images in real time, so this bill also gives them tools they need to catch criminals and secure our border,” said Lankford.

Lankford is the Chairman on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Border Management, Federal Workforce and Regulatory Affairs. He is working with U.S. Senators Mark Kelly and John Cornyn on the measure.

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