Matt Von Tungeln Files In HD60

Von Tungeln, pictured with wife Kristina, officially filed his candidacy for House District 60.

Von Tungeln, pictured with wife Kristina, officially filed his candidacy for House District 60.

El Reno native Matt Von Tungeln officially filed his candidacy for State House District 60 on Wednesday.

A graduate of El Reno High School, Von Tungeln received his Bachelor’s Degree in Ag-Business from Oklahoma State University and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Oklahoma. Von Tungeln has worked at Bass Law Firm since 2013. He and his wife Kristina attend Heaston Community Church in El Reno.

Von Tungeln’s family has lived and worked in House District 60 for over 100 years, and he considers it an honor to represent the place he calls home.

“I was raised on a centennial farm in El Reno by a strong, God-fearing family that made sure I appreciated how deep our roots run in House District 60,” said Von Tungeln. “That commitment to family and home is the reason I’ve decided to run for a seat in the Oklahoma House of Representatives. We need an energetic voice in the legislature that understands the challenges facing our community and state, and who has the resolve to make a difference.”

Von Tungeln added that education, infrastructure and energy aren’t just buzzwords in a political debate.

“They’re real challenges that impact real lives,” he said. “Enhancing our schools should be our top priority. Doing so will not only give our children a better chance at achieving their dreams; it will also improve the quality of our workforce, making us more successful in the competition over quality jobs.”

“Having great schools and a highly educated workforce won’t mean much if our state’s highways and bridges are crumbling around us,” Von Tungeln continued. “High quality infrastructure is key to attracting new industries to our state and supporting our current industries.”

Von Tungeln concluded that great schools are important, and safe roads and bridges are vital, but we can’t neglect our economy.

“The energy industry is one of our greatest assets, and we should be proud of our part in breaking America’s addiction to foreign oil,” said Von Tungeln. “Our state’s agricultural industry helps to feed the world. However, for the good of our state, we need to diversify our economy and actively recruit new industries so that we are prepared to weather periods, like the past year, when commodity prices dip.”

To learn more about Matt, visit

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