SD31 Draws Chris Kidd

Chris Kidd officially declares his candidacy.

Chris Kidd officially declares his candidacy.

Chris Kidd of Waurika officially declared his candidacy as a Republican for Senate District 31, a seat currently held by Senator Don Barrington who will leave the Senate this year due to term limits.

Kidd is a 5th generation Oklahoman who is passionate about his native state, its people, its past, and its future. Kidd’s personal experience in agriculture, education, and business has prepared him for public service. The son of a rancher and a schoolteacher, Kidd believes there is no better place to live than in Oklahoma, even with the difficulties our state currently faces.

“We face challenges, no doubt,” said Kidd. “The question shouldn’t be what do we want, it should be what do we need. Business as usual won’t solve our problems. Just like our farms and our businesses do when times get tough, we need to tighten our belts, cut the fat, and do more with less.”

A graduate of Waurika High School, Kidd received an Associate Degree in Agricultural Science from Murray State College, and then went on to graduate from Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Kidd is also a graduate of the 2014 Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program.

Kidd served as the Agricultural Education Instructor and FFA Advisor at Waurika High School before beginning his career at Oklahoma Farm Bureau where he has remained for the past eight years.

“I recognize that small business and family farms are the heart of Senate District 31, and the economic engine of our state,” added Kidd. They are the lifeblood of our economy, and if we want to grow jobs we have to get government off our backs. We can create jobs by reducing the tax and regulation burdens on our small businesses and family farms. As a State Senator, I’ll fight tirelessly to get the government off the back of hardworking Oklahomans.”

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  1. R D Pollock, 16 April, 2016

    Sounds like more of the same failed rhetoric that the crooks and clowns at 23rd & Lincoln have been giving us while our schools, roads and hospitals have been going down the toilet. I wonder what color the sun is in his world?


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