Stitt Vetoes Bill Adding to 85-Percent Crimes List

Governor Kevin Stitt this week vetoed House Bill 1612, which would have added a shooting crime to the list of 85-percent crimes to state statute. In his veto message, he called for wider reforms.

“The Oklahoma legislature, beginning in 2018, has prioritized the establishment of a felony classification system in Oklahoma, which most states already have. Since taking office in 2019, I have repeatedly advocated for system-wide reform, including a felony classification system that provides certainty, accountability, and fairness. There is currently legislation being negotiated between all interested parties that would do just that,” wrote Stitt.

HB 1612 would have added the felony of shooting into a dwelling or a building used for public or business purposes to the list of crimes in which someone found guilty would have to serve at least 85-percent of the sentence before he or she is considered for parole.

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