Norman Videographer Pushes Attack On Hickman, Bingman, GOP Legislators


Norman videographer John Angier is pushing an attack on Republican leaders and legislators from Tulsa blogger David Van Risseghem.

Angier, among those attacking GOP leadership following the controversy over embattled Republican Party Political Director TC Ryan, used Facebook to post the original attack from Van Rissegham, one of Ryan’s strongest defenders.  Van Rissegham has made light of Ryan’s domestic violence convictions and compared domestic violence to a string of minor things that aren’t crimes.

Angier says he has called for Ryan’s resignation and told GOP Chairman Randy Brogdon that Ryan should go. Our original story said Angier was among those angered over the Ryan controversy. (I apologize for the error – Mike McCarville)

Here is Angier’s repost:

“From David Van Risseghem: Will Speaker Hickman call for an investigation into the ethics lapses of his business partner, Rep. McBride; for threatening a business competitor with unending prison sentences?
“Will Senate President Bingman call for an investigation into the ethical lapses of his heir-apparent, Sen. Brinkley; for using campaign funds for unauthorized personal loans?
“Or will they drag down the whole Republican party because they remain silent?
“When will the Republican Legislative Caucus and Federation of Republican Grandstanders show a grave concern for domestic embezzlement and thugs who threaten business competitors with perpetual prison sentences unless they promise to move to Texas?”

It appears to be part of a coordinated effort to discredit Republican office-holders by members of the so-called “Liberty Movement.” Members continue the attacks begun by the Sooner Tea Party’s Al Gerhart. Several members are now attacking, using the same language.

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  1. Steve Byas, 08 June, 2015

    This is an odd idea for a story—-someone reposted someone else’s comments on Facebook? I have a hard time following who “he” is at times in the story, Angier or Van Risseghem.

  2. mikes1voice, 08 June, 2015

    Birds of a feather….

  3. TDC, 08 June, 2015

    Hmmm. This is even more interesting since Rep. McBride’s recent interim legislative aide was none other than Rebecca “Kaye” Beach who was also Al Gerhart’s former STP colleague.

  4. Brantley, 08 June, 2015

    Domestic Embezzlement?? Is that supposed to be a joke?

    Brinkley has been accused, not convicted. Unlike the the Political Director who has pled guilty to two charges of domestic abuse.

    I’m not going to make excuses for anyone, but Brinkley is entitled to the same due process that TC Ryan availed himself of when he accepted his pleas.

    If Mr. Angier and Mr. Risseghem have issues with Rep. McBride and Sen. Brinkley that’s their right. But comparing two men who have not been convicted of ANYTHING as somehow being worse than a “man” who admits leaving bite marks on a woman and traumatizing a small child…

    Makes me wonder what their wives think of their downplaying beating a woman…

    Like my granny always said, “A man who thinks beating a woman is ok, is no man at all…”

  5. Rick, 08 June, 2015

    Can we please stop eating ourselves?

  6. John Angier, 08 June, 2015

    “Mike”, You are wrong, I have not only call for TC to be fired But told Randy Brogdon To his face that TC should be fired 😉 So what you posted about me is a flat out lie!

  7. mikes1voice, 08 June, 2015

    I apologize and have corrected the story with an apology there. Now you apologize for spreading lies about me.


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