Deliberate Insult? ‘Hanoi Jane’ To Portray Nancy Reagan

Fonda with North Vietnam Gunners in Hanoi

Jane Fonda, whose outspoken criticism of the Vietnam  War once earned her the nickname “Hanoi Jane,” has been tapped to play Nancy  Reagan, former first lady and wife to the late President Ronald  Reagan, has confirmed.

The role will be in the film “The Butler,” a  historical drama following the life of Eugene Allen, who worked as a butler in  the White  House under eight presidents.

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  1. dick Grace, 27 March, 2012

    Another Hollywood hack job I won’t pay to see.

  2. mikes1voice, 27 March, 2012

    Ditto, Dick. I hope many agree and will boycott the movie because of Fonda.

  3. Greg, 28 March, 2012

    Lotta money to spend to insult strangers – I reckon they chose Fonda because she kind of resembles Nancy, and can act.

    Doesn’t make it an intelligent decision, but it would take a very special idiot to pick an actress the very mention of whose name is enough to enrage your target audience because of that trait.

  4. mikes1voice, 28 March, 2012

    Amen, Greg.

  5. Jonathan Scott, 28 March, 2012

    What could possibly go wrong?


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