Duration of Teacher Walk Out in Light of Teacher Pay Measures in Question

Even with a tax increase and teacher pay raise package making its way through the legislative process this week, the Oklahoma Education Association believes the teacher walk out will likely take place on April 2. The Oklahoman’s Ben Felder writes the OEA is unsure is the walk out will last longer than a day if the Senate and Governor Fallin approve the funding deal.

Read The Oklahoman story here.

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  1. Dick Grace, 28 March, 2018

    This is the same tactic they used to pass house bill 1017. Overpaid and underworked. Who doesn’t think they are under paid and under appreciated on their job? The 1017 benefits went to the administration not the teachers this increase will also. The state always has a fall back position, tax the folks. The state economy is faltering so the legislature does what doctors did two hundred years ago let the leeches loose on the working taxpayers. While the federal government is lowering taxes to great fanfare the state is crying and slinging snot as they raid the working taxpayers again. We need a bill to outlaw all tax increases then maybe the state government would learn how to budget and manage as the rest of us do every day. But probably not.

  2. jane, 28 March, 2018

    Where are the education reforms tied to this pay raise?

    How insulting to state workers: only $2000!!

  3. sky, 29 March, 2018

    This is bad on so many levels…The GOP should be ashamed.

  4. cal hobson, 30 March, 2018

    Dear Dick, You are under informed and overly ignorant. I was a proud co-author of HB1017 back in 1990 which did many of the things you should be for as in: It lowered class size in the early grades, set up a school consolidation fund, enhanced curriculum, increased technology, demanded continuing education for teachers, raised their salaries as well as support personnel, etc, etc.

    BTW there has not been a tax increase in Oklahoma since April of 1990 and if you remotely paid attention you would know that.

    Please move somewhere else if you can find a state with lower overall state and local taxes which you can’t but at least we won’t have to put up with your complaining.


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