Richardson Takes on Illegal Immigration in New TV Ad

Republican gubernatorial candidate Gary Richardson launched at new radio and TV ad campaign focused on how he would combat illegal immigration if elected governor.

“Oklahoma embraces all cultures and welcomes people from all over the world — as long as they’re obeying the law,” Richardson said.  “But no working taxpayer should be expected to foot the bill for people who don’t pay taxes because they’re working here illegally.  The data shows this problem costs Oklahomans are an extra $464 million in taxes each year.  That ends on my watch.  The investigative audits I’ll demand will pinpoint the people exploiting the taxpayers and push them off the government roles.  It’s the fair thing to do.”

You can view the Richardson TV ad below.

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  1. Deborah Schaer, 27 April, 2018

    FINALLY! Someone said it!!!!

  2. Tracy Gill, 16 August, 2018

    Informative content. This content is based on general information. I want to watch the video but there is an error in playing the video. Can you please tell me any other way to watch the video?

  3. mikes1voice, 16 August, 2018

    It appears the campaign has pulled the video from YouTube and is no longer available.


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