Cole, Hern on Passage of Border Humanitarian Assistance Funding

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed the Senate’s version of HR 3401 which provides $4.69 billion in funding for humanitarian assistance and border security. Funds were running low as reports of poor conditions of migrant children in federal holding centers surfaced.

Congressman Tom Cole says relief for the horrifying conditions is on the way.

“While I wish agreement had been reached before funds were nearly exhausted, I am relieved that both chambers of Congress did approve the desperately needed aid requested by President Trump to manage the humanitarian crisis at the southern border,” said Cole. “Certainly, members on both sides of the aisle are committed to caring for the vulnerable families and children arriving. As we monitor and manage the ongoing crisis in the days ahead, I hope Republicans and Democrats will continue to work together to ensure we can confront the situation effectively and compassionately. Especially in divided government, this is essential.”

HR 3401 now heads to President Trump, who has indicated he will sign the measure.

However, it has divided House Democrats and Congressman Kevin Hern has taken note.

“After 57 days of obstruction and denial, Democratic leadership finally came face to face with reality,” said Hern. “Speaker Pelosi does not have the iron grip on her caucus that she thought, they are tired of her blatant disregard for the will of the American people. Let this be a lesson to all of us in Congress, petty, partisan games will never overrule the American people. Facts Matter. My hope in communicating the facts has been restored. If you keep communicating the truth about the facts, eventually the politicizing of an issue can be overcome.”

Hern also expressed relief that the humanitarian crisis was being addressed.

“The suffering at our border is finally being addressed. The pressure on our overworked border patrol agents will finally be relieved. Most importantly, Congress is finally doing the will of the American people by giving President Trump the emergency funds he asked for 2 months ago. It has been painful, stressful, and heart-wrenching to watch the crisis at our border worsen with every passing day while my colleagues across the aisle refused to acknowledge it. This morning, I stood strong in my belief that we should not leave Washington until we found a solution for our border crisis. This afternoon, Leader McCarthy said the same thing on the House floor, banding together our conference to fight for the American people. Now, with incredible bipartisan support from 84 senators and 305 representatives, we have succeeded,” said Hern.

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