Mullin: Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

By Congressman Markwayne Mullin

The Bible teaches in Matthew 25 to lend a hand to our neighbors as we would Christ: “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in.” Jesus explains: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

As Christians, we are called to give back to the less fortunate and help those in need. During these tough times, neighbors have stepped up to help neighbors just like we always do; it’s the Oklahoma Standard.

Giving back to our community and living the Oklahoma Standard shouldn’t be something we only do during the difficult times. It should be something we do all the time.

Donating money isn’t the only way you can help. Sometimes, the best way to give back is to volunteer your time. Help a soup kitchen prepare a meal or collect canned good for a local food bank. Coach a youth sport or tutor a student. Write letters to seniors in nursing homes or servicemembers deployed overseas. While it may seem like a small commitment on your part, it can make a huge difference in peoples’ lives.

Earlier this week, I met with Volunteers for Youth in Claremore, which aims to help at-risk youth succeed. This group was started in 1998 when a group of volunteers saw a need in their own backyard and wanted to make a difference. Their programs are now helping at-risk youth across Rogers County.

It’s often said the little things can make a big difference. I encourage you to take some time to extend the Oklahoma Standard to someone who needs a little extra help in your community. It just might make a big difference in their life.

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