Cole Co-Sponsors Native Veteran Mental Health Needs Bill

In a bi-partisan effort to get Native American veterans access to mental health services, Congressman Tom Cole has joined forces with Congresswomen Julia Brownley and Xochitl Torres Small to introduce the American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans Mental Health Act of 2020. The measure is meant to ensure culturally competent mental health care is accessible for Native Americans who served in the U.S. military.

“Throughout our history, I am proud that Native Americans have consistently enlisted in the United States military at a higher rate than any other racial or ethnic group,” said Cole. “Like all veterans, Native Americans who have served in uniform deserve the best care and service the VA can provide. Therefore, it is critically important that VA medical personnel are equipped to recognize, understand and address their unique needs. I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing the American Indian and Alaska Native Veterans Mental Health Act, which would provide for trained minority coordinators in VA facilities and ensure our Native veterans receive the care and attention as it is needed.”

The measure would give VA medical facilities a minority veteran coordinator to help deliver proper mental health care to veterans and address the high rates of suicide among Native veterans.

Cole is the co-chair of the Congressional Native American Caucus.

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