Mullin’s Son Released from Brain Injury Rehab

For the last nine months, Congressman Markwayne Mullin has been helping his son, Jim, while he rehabilitates from a traumatic brain injury. He has completed the rehab at the Centre for Neuro Skills in Bakersfield, California.

Mullin is pleased his son has made significant process since the wrestling injury in January.

“I am excited to share my son Jim has been discharged from the Centre for Neuro Skills and we are heading home,” Mullin said. “Nine months ago, our family was rocked when Jim suffered a traumatic brain injury in a wrestling accident. In less than one day, Jim went from being an elite athlete and at a high school learning level and to a third-grade learning level, losing most of his motor skills, and suffering severe short-term memory loss. With God’s grace, Jim has accomplished something in nine months that the specialist said could take two or three years. Thank you to everyone for the prayers, support, love and encouragement. We couldn’t have done this without you.”

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