Noble Research Institute Provides Ultra-Cold Freezers for Oklahoma COVID Vaccines

The Noble Research Institute is loaning the State Department of Health (OSDH) eleven ultra-cold industrial freezers that will store COVID-19 vaccinations in strategic places around the state. This moves enables public health officials to distribute the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in rural areas of the state. None of Oklahoma’s county health departments had the refrigeration necessary to store the vaccine doses safely.

“We’re incredibly grateful to Noble Research Institute for this generous donation,” said Keith Reed, Deputy Commissioner with OSDH. “This ensures we can move forward with the phased vaccine distribution plan quickly and effectively and allow Oklahomans to receive the vaccine at their local healthcare providers, rather than travelling during the pandemic. These storage units are a critical piece in providing all Oklahomans, whether in a rural or urban area, with equal access to the COVID-19 vaccine.”

Noble’s agricultural research often requires the use of ultra-cold freezers.

“It’s been amazing to watch how Oklahoma organizations have come together to help provide solutions to the distribution of this vaccine,” said Steve Rhines, president and CEO of Noble Research Institute. “We are pleased that these freezers will — in some small way — support communities across the state of Oklahoma.”

The freezers have been positioned and will be used to store the Pfizer vaccine as it arrives in Oklahoma.

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