Lucas Welcomes Vilsack Back as USDA Secretary

The U.S. Senate confirmed Tom Vilsack as the Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) by a vote of 92 to 7. It is his second time as Agriculture Secretary.

Congressman Frank Lucas, who has been very involved with agriculture issues in Congress, welcomed the confirmation of Vilsack.

“I’m glad the Senate voted to confirm Tom Vilsack to once again take the helm at USDA. Agriculture has long been a bipartisan issue. America’s farm economy has endured drastic declines and Congress, and USDA, have mounted great efforts to strengthen export markets and provide critical assistance programs for farmers and ranchers across the country- with both Secretary Vilsack and Secretary Perdue understanding the complex issues that encompass America’s regional agricultural diversity. Just as we did throughout the 2008 and 2014 Farm Bill, I look forward to working with Secretary Vilsack to ensure producers have access to global markets and important safety nets and our rural communities continue to receive investments helping better the lives of those who call rural America home. Congratulations again to Secretary Vilsack, my colleagues and I are eager to get to work to better America’s farm economy and communities,” said Lucas.

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