Delegation Reacts to Biden’s First Address to a Joint Session of Congress

President Joe Biden has sat through many State of the Union and Joint Session presidential speeches, but delivered his first such speech Wednesday night. He outlined the first 100 days of his Administration, while promoting his proposed $2.3 trillion “infrastructure plan” and his $1.8 billion American Families Plan. Biden called it a “once in a generation” investment to improve the lives of Americans.

The speech wasn’t warmly received by Oklahoma’s all Republican Congressional Delegation. You’ll find their responses below.

Congressman Frank Lucas:

“Tonight, President Biden delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress. As a Nation, Americans seem to have split feelings about the year to come.

“On one hand, businesses and families are feeling a sense of freedom and return to normalcy as their communities safely and responsibly lift COVID-19 restrictions- our economy is witnessing accelerating job growth and increased vaccine availability is helping support the return of opportunities for countless American workers and their families. But on the other hand, Americans, who were fed up with the “politics as usual” in Washington, D.C.- and elected a 50-50 Senate, a closely divided House, and a president who preached moderation- are now finding themselves on the burdensome end of a liberal agenda.

“Our fellow Americans elected such a closely divided Congress to ensure bipartisanship- I truly believe Americans are eager to see both parties in Congress work with the President to address the issues currently facing our country. But sadly, nearly five months into 2021, President Biden and Congressional Democrats have abandoned the idea of bipartisan solutions in exchange for costly, partisan legislation.

“Make no mistake, Republicans are eager to work with Democrats on numerous issues: to improve the lives of working families; to ensure police departments have the resources they need to enact sensible reform; to provide critical security measures and immigration reform at the Southern Border; to develop cleaner, more affordable American energy; and to guarantee the investment in critical technologies to deter aggression shown by global adversaries.

“In the first four months of the 117th Congress, Republicans have called for Democrats to join them at the Southern Border to address the humanitarian and security crisis at our Southern Border. My colleagues and I have introduced legislation that doubles funding for basic research and infrastructure, ensuring America’s leadership in technology and innovation. And we’ve worked in good faith to provide a sense of economic security to every American and their family.

“Congressional Republicans have shown we are willing to show up to the table, but so far we’ve been met with irresponsible government spending and empty rhetoric. Earlier this month, under the disguise as infrastructure, President Biden unveiled his climate and social justice agenda- the American Jobs Plan- that would eliminate entire industries of the U.S. economy. Tonight, the President proposed yet another taxing and inflated plan- the American Families Plan- that would expand government overreach into the homes of millions of families and individuals while imposing mandates on America’s job creators.

“Ignoring current crises, passing the buck to our children’s children, and squandering opportunities for investment isn’t what the American people bargained for.

“The American people deserve a President and Congress who can work effectively to make lasting, bipartisan progress. There’s no reason we can’t craft legislation to improve actual infrastructure- our roads, bridges, waterways. There’s no reason we can’t ensure America’s security in science and technology.

“President Biden campaigned on unity and tonight he spoke about the importance of bipartisanship. President Biden has an opportunity to set aside his party’s progressive all-or-nothing approach that sharpens the ideological wedge in our country. Should that happen, I look forward to being a part of a productive 117th Congress.”

Congressman Tom Cole:

“It is always an honor to listen to any president speak to Congress in person. And I was certainly pleased to be part of President Biden’s official escort into the House chamber.”

“However, the proposal the president put before Congress and the American people tonight spends too much, taxes too much and is likely to undercut the current economic recovery that began in the third quarter of last year.

“Since taking office less than a hundred days ago, President Biden has proposed more than $10 trillion in federal spending – a $4.5 trillion annual budget, a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, a $2.3 trillion infrastructure program and now a $1.9 trillion expansion of America’s social safety net.

“Collectively, these programs represent an unprecedented expansion of the size, scope and cost of government in an era of relative peace and prosperity. President Biden’s expensive proposals would transform America from a free market economy, based on hard work and individual initiative, into a European style social welfare state, replete with high taxes, reams of regulations and a suffocating bureaucracy to regulate our lives and harass hardworking taxpayers.

“To pay for this extraordinary expansion of government, President Biden has proposed the greatest increase in taxes in modern history. He has sought to make this acceptable by triggering class conflict on an unprecedented scale. He seeks to persuade the American people that they can have unlimited government services at someone else’s expense. Fortunately, Americans are smarter than that. They know there is no free lunch.

“To say that the president has overreached during his first weeks in office would be a gross understatement. But he has sparked an historic debate over the appropriate scope and size of government as well as the amount of taxes it will consume to provide the services that its proponents claim it will provide. I expect that debate to play out in the halls of Congress and on the campaign trail in the weeks and months ahead. And in the end, I believe my fellow advocates of smaller government, lower taxes, fiscal sanity and economic growth will prevail.”

Congressman Markwayne Mullin:

“President Biden’s actions so far have been anything but unifying and unfortunately, we heard more of the same from him tonight. From out-of-control spending and endorsing Green New Deal policies to raising taxes and turning a blind eye to the border crisis, it is clear from his first 100 days that President Biden has handed the keys to the White House over to the far-left wing of his party and will continue to do so. This is the wrong direction for our country.”

Congressman Kevin Hern:

“It wasn’t that long ago that Bill Clinton said the age of big government is over, but what Biden promised tonight is the largest expansion of government in our history. In 100 days, the Biden Administration has managed to add $5.95 trillion in new spending, on top of the existing federal budget. This disregard for deficits alarms people across the political spectrum. Tonight, Biden did nothing to alleviate those concerns, and instead made the argument for even more unchecked spending. I’d like to see more effort from this White House to help the American people instead of patting themselves on the back for driving us into unimaginable debt.

“After 100 days of the Biden presidency, there’s no doubt that he is waging a war on prosperity. Nearly every executive order has resulted in the elimination of American jobs. Now that his speech is over, Biden and Harris are embarking on a tour of the country to sell their ‘American Jobs Plan’, which does little to help the millions of Americans whose jobs were signed away by Biden’s executive orders.”

“Much like his inaugural address, Biden’s speech tonight lacked substance. Anyone can stand up and commit to unity and bipartisanship, but it’s much harder – and requires much more integrity – to put those words into action. Biden has proven himself unreliable and unwilling to reach across the aisle to fulfill the most basic of his promises. To put an Oklahoma spin on it, Biden is all hat and no cattle. Unfortunately, it’s the American people who are suffering the consequences.”

U.S. Senator James Inhofe:


U.S. Senator James Lankford:

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