Archer Announces Intention to Enter Race for HD 55

Elk City Mayor Nick Archer is running for the Republican nomination for House District 55. It is the seat in western Oklahoma currently held by Representative Todd Russ, who is term-limited.

“I love my community and Oklahoma. After thoughtful prayer and discussions with family and friends, I am asking for your vote next June to be the Republic nominee for Oklahoma State House in District 55,” said Archer. “I have lived in Oklahoma all my life, and I feel a calling to serve and continue the efforts to make Oklahoma a top-10 state. I want to make sure the values and opportunities we have in rural Oklahoma are valued, and our communities grow.”

Archer is currently serving his second term as Elk City Mayor. He’s also the Director of Engineering at Great Plains Analytical Services, and is the founder and President of HFJ Outdoors.

Archer says Oklahoma is going in the right direction, but more work is ahead.

“Oklahoma is certainly on a turnaround, but there is much more work to do. I am committed and dedicated to continuing that by helping to improve the quality of life not only for the residents of our communities,” said Archer. “I will work to protect our freedom of religion and unequivocally protect our Second Amendment. As a gun manufacturer, this is incredibly important to me, as it should be to all Oklahomans. Economic Development is vital to the residents in Western Oklahoma. I am committed to ensuring our communities remain strong, resilient, and an opportunity for an improved quality of life. Additionally, access to rural and affordable health care is at a critical juncture, especially to our long- term care facilities and nursing homes.”

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