Steagall Introduces Bill to Recognize Sheriff’s as “Chief Law Enforcement Officers”

Representative Jay Steagall is working with Canadian County Sheriff Chris West on legislation which would identify county sheriffs as the “constitutionally-recognized chief law enforcement officer” of their county. Steagall believes the bill will prevent future issues concerning duties of county sheriffs. He adds there is no current law giving the sheriff the chief law enforcement officer designation.

“The office of your county sheriff is charged with numerous duties including supporting the justice of the county, keeping the peace and protecting our lives and property,” Steagall said. “However, there is no greater duty that a Sheriff has taken an oath to discharge than that of supporting and defending both our state and national constitutions. Sheriffs are responsible directly to the people in their elective capacity, which is unlike any other law enforcement position in our Union.”

West, who is currently the president of the Oklahoma Sheriffs’ Association and secretary of the National Sheriff’s Association, believe the recognition of sheriffs as “chief law enforcement officer” is vital to their elected job.

“The securing of the constitutionally-recognized and protected freedom, liberty and rights of those they represent is of an utmost priority to our sheriffs, which makes recognizing their position as the county’s chief law enforcement officer vitally important for our citizens,” said West.

Steagall, who chairs the House States Rights Committee, says his bill defends sheriffs against federal overreach.

“This legislation solidifies in statute our support for our county sheriffs and ensures that there is a constitutionally-recognized law enforcement officer working on the behalf of those who have elected them,” Steagall said. “If the federal government tries to encroach on the rights of our counties or municipalities, the citizens should feel confident that their elected chief law enforcement officer has the power to draw a line in the sand and push back against that overreach. The sheriff is the local protector of the people’s rights, and in their sphere is superior to all persons acting contrary to the rights of the people – including the government itself.”

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  1. sky, 29 December, 2021

    Unfortunately, the article, poorly written, doesn’t lay out the problem this bill is trying to fix!!!


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