Burns Files Bill to Keep “Politics out of the Classroom”

Senator George Burns feels teachers have come under pressure to indoctrinate students toward certain political philosophies. He’s proposing a bill which would keep teachers from being forced to discuss controversial current events, public policy, or social affairs of a partisan nature with students. Senate Bill 1174 also restricts schools from requiring students to participate in partisan protests, lobbying campaigns or political organization internships as a requirement for credit in class.

“The classroom is no place to push partisan politics or agendas. It is beyond unethical for districts to use tax dollars to force educators to teach controversial issues in an effort to indoctrinate young, impressionable minds,” Burns said. “Fair and unbiased dialogue about public policies and political affairs is educational but requiring the teaching of partisan beliefs will not be tolerated in our state. My bill will protect public school educators from unjust teaching requirements and provide guidelines for those who choose to engage in such dialogue with their students.”

Burns believes there has been a push to influence young people politically.

“Political advocacy organizations around the nation are providing private funding to schools to not only push their political agenda but also in exchange for students’ participation in their campaigns, protests and internships. This bill will ensure politics stay out of Oklahoma classrooms,” Burns said. “Our public education system serves families situated at every point on the political spectrum and therefore should serve all equally by remaining politically and socially neutral.”

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