Oklahoma U.S. House Delegation Supports Limit, Save, Grow Act

All five members of Oklahoma’s U.S. House Delegation voted for the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 which would raise the debt ceiling by $1.5 trillion with $4.8 trillion in spending cuts. It was approved on Wednesday by a vote of 217 to 215.

Here’s what Oklahoma’s House Delegation members had to say about passing the Limit, Save, Grow Act.

Congressman Frank Lucas:

“America’s national debt today exceeds $31.7 trillion. More than $6 trillion of that debt was accrued within the last two years under the reckless spending of President Biden and Washington Democrats- the highest level of deficit spending in the history of our country. Simply put, our national debt is unsustainable and a symptom of Washington’s fiscal irresponsibility- but it’s not unfixable. Congress- and the Biden Administration and future administrations- has the ability to enact sensible reforms to programs and return fiscal responsibility to our country’s budget. House Republicans’ Limit, Save, Grow Act is a responsible act that reins-in and limits future federal spending, saves taxpayer dollars, and is a good faith effort to bring President Biden to the negotiating table.

“Republicans and Democrats alike understand we should never put the nation’s full faith and credit at risk and allow the United States to default on our debt. The failure to right-size federal spending and lift the debt ceiling would be recklessly irresponsible and would cause serious and unnecessary economic harm to our country, Social Security recipients, and veterans. Addressing the debt ceiling will require finding common ground. House Republicans have put forth a plan representative of the people we serve. Now Washington must act to cut wasteful spending, lift the debt ceiling, and return our fiscal house to order.”

Congressman Tom Cole:

“In the last two years due to the reckless and out-of-control spending policies of President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats, more than $6 trillion has been added to the national debt. House Republicans have made clear that President Biden must negotiate a responsible increase to the debt limit that is coupled with commonsense reforms. Unfortunately, President Biden continues to stonewall his opponents and put his head in the sand. In the absence of presidential leadership, House Republicans have voted to take the first step in the negotiation process, and I hope President Biden will soon come to the table to find a compromise that is agreeable to all sides.”

Congressman Kevin Hern:

“We could not have gotten to this victory today without the hard-working determination of my colleagues on the Republican Study Committee. Our membership has taken the debt limit discussion seriously since the very first week of this Congress. Over the last several months, RSC Members offered hundreds of policy ideas, had numerous frank and open conversations about the challenges facing our nation, and remained unified behind the strong conviction to rein in our spending, lower inflation, and begin the process of paying down our debts.

“However, we are not finished. This is just the first step – we still have to get this bill through the Senate and on to the President’s desk. I urge my colleagues to stand their ground, fight for the conservative principles in this legislation, and continue the work to get this bill to the finish line. We will not allow the Senate to water down this legislation, because we know that fiscal responsibility is not a partisan concept. Our work is not done until this bill is signed into law.”

Congresswoman Stephanie Bice:

Congresswoman Bice wrote an op-ed this week on the Limit, Save, Grow Act which has been published on The McCarville Report and can be found here.




Congressman Josh Brecheen:

“Today, House Republicans are saying goodbye to the days of raising the debt ceiling without serious cuts to woke, weaponized and wasteful government spending. This is one of the largest cuts Congress has ever passed because we know we are running out of time to reverse unsustainable deficit spending that is pushing us towards bankruptcy. To secure a future for our children, we must train ourselves to be the Congress that finally cuts waste in government as a habit, not just a one-time event. I now call on the Senate and President Biden to negotiate and turn our nation away from this fiscal cliff and inflation that’s stealing prosperity from our families.”


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